Your very own HR team
As well as being very experienced, your HR team is friendly bunch. You can reach them by phone or email or schedule a video call.
Senior Advisers:
They will help you with:
- Handling disciplinary procedures, dismissals and grievances.
- Managing absence, ill health and employee wellbeing issues.
- Managing statutory leave entitlements and requests.
- Protecting against or responding to internal complaints of discrimination, bullying or harassment.
- Management of underperformance, capability procedures or staff motivation challenges.
- Interpretation of employment contract and policy terms.
- Protected conversations and Settlement Agreements.
- Reorganisation and redundancy, TUPE.
- Calculations relating to statutory redundancy and paid leave.
- Statutory compliance with Right to Work checks.
- HR administrative procedure best practice.
An HR self-assessment
Complete a simple online questionnaire and receive a tailored report with information, advice and ideas on:
- Making an HR plan that helps you achieve your business ambitions
- Attracting, selecting, retaining and motivating great people
- Developing and improving performance
- Minimising the legal risks associated with employing people
Example HR Assessment
Your HR Assessment:
Are you maximising the return on your investment in staff:
A lack of awareness, incorrect assumptions and sometimes even a fear of the law can prevent you from taking action to protect your businesses and from dealing with staff problems that are hampering progress. There are basic protections you should have in place and the law does not require you to put up with underperforming, disruptive or unreliable employees – provided that you deal with it properly.
1. Do you have up to date contracts of employment in place? | YES / NO |
2. Do your contracts for key and/or senior employees have required protection clauses? | YES / NO |
3. Do you have up to date employment policies / staff handbook in place? | YES / NO |
4. Do your part-time employees enjoy the same benefits pro-rata to full time/permanent employees in accordance with legislation? | YES / NO |
5. Are you confident you comply with working time legislation e.g. working hours, rest periods, holiday entitlements? | YES / NO |
6. Are you confident that your lower paid staff are within minimum wage rules? | YES / NO |
7. Are you confident that consultants / contractors are genuinely self-employed and do not trigger any tax or employment liabilities? | YES / NO |
8. Are you confident that your pension auto enrolment obligations are being met e.g. re-enrolment, certification etc | YES / NO |
9. Are you taking action to create a fair, inclusive environment and to protect yourself from discrimination claims? | YES / NO |
10. Is documentary evidence obtained to ensure a new employee is entitled to work in the UK? | YES / NO |
11. Do you deal effectively with staff absence, performance and disciplinary issues? | YES / NO |
12. Do you obtain documentary evidence to verify a valid driver’s licence and car insurance for those that drive on company business? | YES / NO |
13. Have you considered the implication of hybrid / home working and whether you have appropriate policies in place? | YES / NO |
14. Is employee personal data kept confidentially and securely whilst being easily accessible? | YES / NO |
15. Do you automate day to day HR process such and holiday requests and reminders such as probation periods? | YES / NO |
An HR System (if selected)
We are an accredited partner of Breathe HR which is built specifically for smaller businesses. It will keep your HR data secure and accessible, manage your HR admin efficiently and put people data at your fingertips. E.g., you can use it to book, authorise and monitor everyone’s holiday usage – and much more besides.
An employee assistance programme
This is provided by our friends at Vita Health Group.
They provide 24/7, confidential information and support to employees and their families on life’s challenges including money, stress, family issues, legal rights.
They will send you posters and information to provide to your staff, including your unique passcode to access their services.
Your free and confidential Employee Assistance Programme can provide information, advice and support 24 hours a day – 365 days a year.
- Work
- Money
- Retirement
- Your rights
- Health & Wellbeing
- Relationships
- Management Support
- Emotional Support
- Children
- Legal Information
Information and inspiration
You will have subscriber-only access to the Client Content folder within our Employers Community.
This is where you will find HR templates, documents, forms etc.
The Community is also where you will find updates, articles, events, recorded webinars, Q&As – to help you learn and get some HR inspiration!
Contact the HR team to discuss or sign up