We’ve all thought about it as some point – how the world is becoming more and more driven by technology with each passing year. Maybe you’ve even joked about how computers are going to take over the world one day! 

Of course, in reality that is implausible. But there is already so much more technology out there than you can even comprehend. Tech is not designed to take over the world, but instead to quickly perform tasks that would otherwise be manual and slow. 

Our Digital Transformation team utilises technology to transform businesses. Digital Transformation is the process of using digital technology to implement transformational change to a business’ processes. The benefits? Increased efficiency, improved data security, happier customers, suppliers, and staff. But how do we do it?

Process map a business’ workflow and data flow  

We use Skore to map out your processes. This will help us to identify bottlenecks, duplicate data entry, risks to the business, and opportunities for digital transformation. 

Report & recommendations

This detailed report analyses our findings and provides our recommendations. These could include process changes, systems to be considered for evaluation, and further process mapping (either the current process or additional processes). We will also suggest which changes should happen first for maximum value. 

Customised software demos 

Using your process maps, we will arrange a software demo with either ourselves or our personal contact at the software provider. This will enable you to see the user interface of the solution as well as its core functionality, giving you the insight you need to decide whether to pursue that solution further. 

Fully evaluate your functional requirements  

We will compare the suitability of each software solution against your functional requirements to report which solutions are the best fit. 

Implement, test, and optimise software applications 

We test the proposed solution with your full workflow to demonstrate how it will work “in real life”. We can then implement certain solutions or support you with self-implementation. If the app vendor or a third party is completing the implementation, we gather and cleanse the data for importing, supporting with implementing the clients process correctly, testing and adjusting the implemented settings. 


We will provide bespoke virtual and/or video training to staff in the chosen software product. Videos are useful to keep for future reference for both refresher training and training new staff in what your processes are and how to use your systems. If requested, we can also map out your new processes to support this. 

Ongoing support 

We can provide ad-hoc and monthly support with troubleshooting & solving issues with the implemented systems and processes. 

With a methodical approach like this, we ensure that both your current and future needs are taken into consideration to ensure that the change is both a significant improvement to the way you work, and scalable to align with the goals of your future business. 

Regardless of the size of your project, please get in touch below to find out how we can help you:

Contact Our Experts

Director, Systems Advisory

Aaron Jervis

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